"I don’t know"

"I don’t know"

"That … I ride you for a ride? "Asked the new killer.
"Sitting on a horse hurts my ass." She refused.
"Why don’t we have dessert? "The new killer persevered.
"I’m tired of eating."
"Playing shooting games? "Asked the absolute killing.
"Not interested"
"Go swimming? Browse by boat? 」
"That …"
We made dozens of points, but these were also returned by her.
"You really don’t want to play, right? "Absolutely killing is angry." You’re just playing us. "
"So what? There is no denying that Leviathan raised his smile. "I just like to play tricks on people. This is my pleasure."
"What a bad-natured kid!" Absolute killing, heavy face and displeasure.
"I really want to spank her," Yao Ri said with a straight face.
"All right, all right, she’s just a child." The new killer cleared the way.
"I’m not a child! No, no, no! Leviathan screamed, I am the queen! You all have to listen to me! 」
"Well," my brother walked up to her. "Queen Leviathan, since you don’t want to play games, what do you want to do? 」
"… Leviathan asked me to go." After a pause for a few seconds, she patted the side of the mount. Leviathan lowered himself to the ground as she ordered.
Levias circled around us in several centers and finally stopped in front of Labra.
She stretched out her hand and tugged at his skirt and ordered, "You squat."
"eh? Although it was strange, Labra did it anyway.
"I want your hat" grabbed Labra’s cat hat and she grabbed it.
Just as Leviathan was about to put the hat on her head, Labra grabbed her wrist.
"What do you want to do to me? "Squinting Leviathan alert asked.
At the same time, Leviathan quickly approached Labra and opened his mouth to bite his head.
"You can have your hat," said Labra first. "But should you say something to me before that? 」
"Didn’t I already say that? Leviathan frowned and replied, "I just told you that I want your hat, right?" 」
"Ta-da-"Labra gave a strangely long "wrong answer"
"Wrong? No one has ever dared to tell me that I was wrong. You are so rude! Leviathan was angry and wanted to withdraw his hand, but he was gripped by Labra.
"Lovely Queen Leviathan, I am teaching you manners." Labra laughed.
"You mean I’m a queen? Damn it, how dare you say that about me! 」
Leviathan waved his other hand and hit Labra, but he stopped him.
"The first rule of good boy etiquette is no violence," Labra told her.
"Leviathan gave me this nasty guy! Leviathan turned to command mount action because he was suppressed by Labra.
"I can’t." I made a rope to bind it completely.
"It’s cuter to be a good pet." Leviathan put gravity on him to make him move.
"The second rule of good boy etiquette is not to let pets attack others." Labra took Leviathan’s hat back and put it back on his head, and at the same time loosened the grip on her.
"You are a hateful, stupid, big fool, big bad wolf! Leviathan blushed with anger. What do you want to do with my Leviathan? Do you want to arrest him to threaten me? 」
"You think too much," I replied slowly. "We are not interested in threatening others by catching pets."
"Yes, yes, we are teaching him some movements," the new killer said with a smile. "Look! How standard he is in this "prone" posture! The whole body is flat on the ground! 」
"You this is absurd! You are bad people! It’s bad, my Lord! You all bully me! I’ll cut your heads off! "She barked and jumped at random.
"Hey you …"
"I’ll go to Zhong Jiao’s place to help them. I’ll give this to you first." It seems that I can’t stand absolute killing anymore and turn around and walk out.
"You, where are you going? Leviathan stared at the back of absolute killing. Come back! Do you hear me? Come back here! None of your departments can leave without my order! 」
"I’m going out to have a rest." I scratched my hair awkwardly. I really put up with this high-decibel shouting situation
"No! You can’t run away with him! Leviathan suddenly grabbed my hand and held it tightly. Do you hear me? You all have to stay here with me! Don’t go! 」
I couldn’t help getting angry at the tone of this command. "Where to go is my freedom …"
Before the words were finished, I saw big tears rolling down her cheeks, and for such a moment, she turned from cursing to crying, crying very loudly.
"Cat, you are so bad that you scared her to cry." The new killer half joked.
"What’s wrong with me?" I complained, "She suddenly cried."
"Adults are like this. You all leave me and leave me with everyone …" She complained sadly and intermittently.
Stop, absolutely kill. That’s what I want.
"No matter what, you can’t leave here without my permission." She quickly ran to the face of absolute killing with her arms open and her face covered with tears.
"You can’t keep people in this way." Absolute killing tone is indifferent.
"I don’t care! Regardless, regardless! If, if you really go out there, then I’ll cut your heads off! "She road way
"This is a threat? "Absolute killing his eyebrows asked.
"That’s right! "Leviathan proudly raised the bar." I said it! I will kill all of you! 」
"The first I cut her first! Leviathan pointed at me. Then he, he, he …
If it is normal, this kind of speech should make people angry, but after seeing her cry and make "performances", her speech has been classified as "sexual child behavior", and the fire in her heart can’t come out.
"Afraid of it? If you feel scared, apologize to me and say that you will never leave me again so that I will consider forgiving you. "
Wipe away the wet tears on your face at random. Leviathan gave a not very high step.
"What should I do now? "I asked the team channel.
"If you want it to go smoothly, you can do it according to her words." The new killer Nai smiled.
"What a headache kid!" Zi Yue’s tone was a little stuffy.
"She needs to be retrained and her bad habits corrected." Yao Ri replied flatly, "The first thing to do is to learn manners."
"I don’t want to apologize to her." Absolute killing anger way
"Well, it’s up to me." The new killer spread his hands.
"Hey? La blah … "
The small discussion ended only when we saw Labra in front of Leviathan.
"Want to apologize to me? "Levi jason satisfiedly smile.


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