"No, no, I have to thank you for taking back the protection, otherwise none of us will live." Zorig figure waved and compared with the previous three people, this Mongolian Han looks much easier to get along with.

"No, no, I have to thank you for taking back the protection, otherwise none of us will live." Zorig figure waved and compared with the previous three people, this Mongolian Han looks much easier to get along with.

Ke Lan’s consciousness moved closer to the Zorig map. I don’t know what it is. He always feels that hounds seem to hide their abilities. It is absolutely impossible to become a lone hunter at this level by relying solely on their sense of smell.
"Ein" is the only woman among the seven people. She is dressed in very little cloth, and her skin is covered with complicated and exquisite tattoos. Even her cheeks are tattooed with a blooming rosa multiflora.
"I seem to have heard of this name …" Leighton said thoughtfully, staring at Ein’s face.
"That’s it, that’s it … North District 9 is very famous … I heard that it’s ok to ask for hundreds of points …" The hound’s face suddenly showed a wretched smile and made no secret of looking at each other’s body.
Koran leng a bit startled hunter income although not very stable, but how to also don’t live by selling that …
"Your news is a little out of date. The current market is 3,000 credit points, but … 1,500 if it is you." Ein was not angry, but twisted his waist and walked to the front of the hound
"Look out, old dog!" Leighton, who is the enemy of the hound, suddenly stepped forward and held out a mechanical arm to block the front of the hound-
The silver light flashed and the metal collided, and there was an inconspicuous white mark on the surface of the mechanical arm. A steel needle with a blue-purple luster bounced and fell to the ground.
"Boring" Ein shrugged. "This poison won’t kill you."
"Is this concentrated PSP toxin?" I don’t know when Ivan has picked up the steel needle. "You took it from algae?"
"Why do you ask me when you know all about it?" Ein replied.
"What is that?" Hound thinks he still has some research on toxicology, but he has never heard the name of this toxin.
"An ancient neurotoxin originated from algae on the earth … I can’t see it until I have a research institute …" Ivan sighed.
"Will I die if this needle sticks to me?" Asked the hound concerned.
"No dose is not fatal, but at least there will be hemiplegia and incontinence … I suggest not to joke like this. No one wants to take a cumbersome road." Ivan turned and handed the steel needle back to Ein
"I want him to keep his mouth shut."
The hound glanced at Ein bitterly and soon set his eyes on Kelan. "It’s your turn to be our hero."
"It’s a great hero. If he can get out of here alive and win more battles, he will make me a success." Kelan smiled. "My name is Kelan, and it’s nothing."
"Nothing?" Leighton some unhappy to this five word again "what is nothing? In this situation, everyone is in the same boat, and the grasshopper will hide something. "
"It’s just the truth. I belong to the kind of character who knows everything, but I know only a little about it." Kelan spread her hand.
"Understand the talent, right? You are too modest. "The hound patted Kelan on the shoulder with a smile." When you form a team, you are always rushing to get it. "
For hounds, Ke Lan can also smile. Compared with team-capable hunters, it is more suitable to walk alone. The reason why people like Ke Lan have a very embarrassing position in the team is that he can take any position, but he is more likely to be a candidate than those who are not good at this position.
And when a team loses staff, they need to consider at the first time, not to make up the position, but to retreat immediately. This is the way for elite hunters to live.
"There is only this little brother left." The hound turned and looked to one side.
A young man in an old type of armor sat quietly cross-legged on a stone face with his head down, holding a knife in his arms that was the same as the worn-out armor-he has remained in this position since Koran woke up, and he has not said a word.
This man seems to be very withdrawn-this is his first impression on the other six people, and it is for this reason that the hound ranked him last.
"Asano Zhao retired soldiers specialty … let’s call it fencing." The young man looked up and said slowly.
"Retired soldiers? I think you are only in your early twenties, right? According to the army regulations, once you are in service, you are not allowed to retire before you are 35 years old … Besides, your armor is an old model more than 100 years ago, right? The wear and tear is also very serious, and the number and rank of the armored forces have also been erased. Isn’t it from the flea market? " Hounds are suspicious and withdrawn, and deliberately hide their identity and strength, so people often become unstable factors in the team. No one knows what will happen in the process of exploration, but it is a time bomb.
Compared with Asano Akira, people like Ein are more reassuring.
In addition, there is one thing that Kelan didn’t notice-when Qi Xin, the former transport plane, joined forces to pull him into the cabin, Asano Akira was the only one who was indifferent except Leighton who couldn’t move.
"If you want to prove that you didn’t lie, I suggest you report your original army number and establishment," Ivan interjected.
Leighton and Hound, both of them retired from the army, wanted Asano to tell these things, and they could guess whether he was telling the truth or not.
"I am indeed a retired soldier, but I can’t say these things because of the confidentiality regulations."
"Bullshit!" The hound suddenly scolded, "It’s not like you’ve never been a soldier! Are you still in the old era? The serial number is not a military secret, and there are no messy confidentiality regulations. I think you just can’t make it up! I don’t think it’s the safest decision for us to leave him here with this little guy and let him die! "
"But I can tell you what I retired," Asano said, pointing to his eyes. "I lost it."
Kelan realized that although Asano Akira had been watching them, his eyes were not focused-he was really blind.
"Blind? Can you still be a hunter if you are blind these days? Then I think sows can grow trees! " The hound was also stunned, but his mouth was not polite at all
"I won’t be a burden," Asano Akira said in a gentle tone. He seemed completely angry at the hounds’ questioning and sarcasm.
"I think he shouldn’t be a burden if I can take him." At this time, Kelan said.
"Did any of us notice … that he was blind before he said it himself?"
As soon as this sentence was uttered, the other five people suddenly became silent-that’s right … Don’t say that Asano Akira didn’t behave like a blind man at all when he climbed out of the wreckage of the transport plane. Not only did he not ask for help, but he didn’t get out slower than others.
"Are you really blind?" The hound’s voice did not fall, but he pulled out his waist dagger and stabbed Asano Akira alongside of.seem and stopped at a place less than five centimeters away from the other side’s nose.
Dagger with a strong breeze slightly moved Asano Zhao forehead a wisp of hair, but his eyes are still that vacant god, no focus, even without blinking.
"All right, but you have to fall behind yourself, but no one is coming to help you." The hound curled its pie mouth and put away the dagger.
"Thank you" Asano Zhao nodded his head.
The hound saw the whole process of Asano Akira’s shot, but he didn’t stop it, but judging from the latter’s performance, he really couldn’t see anything. Otherwise, even if his expression was calm and faced with a straight stab, his eyes couldn’t have changed a little.


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