Satisfied with the box, the girls are very happy. After all, it’s white and doesn’t cost money, and these handkerchiefs are really beautiful.

Satisfied with the box, the girls are very happy. After all, it’s white and doesn’t cost money, and these handkerchiefs are really beautiful.

Just as the girl leafed through the handkerchief, Ye Tian was stunned and stood there. Just now, the girls talked and made him feel suddenly enlightened.
Lenny said that once the promotion can’t be simply sent out, it won’t impress many people just by looking at the root of the list.
If you really want to impress the guests, you must let the beautiful girls wear these clothes and show them to everyone. Only when you see this beautiful dress with your own eyes will people move.
In the world, fashion shows are usually held to get some models to wear clothes and walk on the catwalk, but it is impossible for the world to broadcast fashion shows, but flexibility is not necessarily impossible
As soon as they got to the door, the waitress quickly pulled the door, and at the same time, the delicate and crisp face rang. Looking at the store, a dozen beautiful salesgirls bowed their heads and bowed to everyone at the same time.
The most pleasant thing is not the delicate voice of the waitresses, but their faces, which are as refreshing as a smile and a spring breeze caressing their faces.
Satisfied nodded, Ye Tian took a dozen girls behind him into the store and looked at the resplendent decoration of the store. The girl’s heart was secretly afraid, so it must be expensive to sell things in high-end stores.
Looking at Heidi and others, Ye Tian couldn’t help laughing internally. Although it is luxurious, it is just one of his flag industries, so this store is one of the 18 super cities.
Ye Tian didn’t explain anything, not what he wanted to pack in front of the girl, but what he wanted to inspect the level of a maid in a shop. You know Heidi and others are wearing very simple clothes, but they have lost their luster even though they haven’t been patched. As soon as you look at them, you will know that they are civilians, so people are not qualified to come here.
However, a really high-end store should not be inappropriate, even if the poor come in, they should be warmly welcomed, and customers should not be slack because they can’t afford it.
Think about a beautiful maid who greeted you respectfully and welcomed you to Chanel’s clothing store and asked what you need.
Ye Tian couldn’t help but frown when he heard the girl’s words. To be honest, although he built this brand with his own hands, he even painted the style with his own hands, but he really didn’t know how to price.
Smile and look at the maid Ye Tianping Dawn. Tell us about it first. Is the price of clothes here particular?
Smiling and nodded, the maid respectfully said, here we have ten grades, the cheapest amethyst coin and the most expensive amethyst coin. In addition, we have a limited monthly market, and each set sells 1 set in each country. The price needs to be set from one diamond coin.
Wow, the girl’s voice just fell and Heidi Lenny and other girls suddenly exclaimed. This is too exaggerated. A dress can actually sell for 10 thousand silver coins, which is the most expensive million. Who can afford it?
Looking at a face of horror, the girls shook their heads and smiled at the maid. By the way, can you try on the clothes here?
Smiling and nodded, the maid respectfully said, of course, it’s all the same outside, but it’s not for sale. Just try it.
Hear maid Heidi quietly walked beside Ye Tian gently pulled Ye Tianyi light way or forget it, things here are too expensive for us.
Hearing Heidi’s words, the maid showed no disdain or impatience, and smiled sweetly. You don’t have to worry, even if you don’t buy it, you can try it.
Listen to the maid’s words and look at her with a warm expression. Ye Tian nodded with satisfaction. This attitude is definitely over. This was when Ye Tian repeatedly told me that it was nothing to earn money, but Ye Tian absolutely did not allow people to discredit this card.
Thinking Ye Tian smiled and turned his head to the girls behind him. Now let’s disband and pick out clothes.
Hearing Ye Tian’s words, the girl hesitated for a while, but soon let it go. Try it for nothing, try it for nothing, try it for nothing, and now that I’m here, I can’t run in vain.
Look at the beautiful maid Wen Dao who is jumping for joy. If you don’t mind, let’s help you. Give you all kinds of information and suggestions at any time.
Ye Tian nodded and said with a smile, it’s good. Just do as you say, regardless of money. I only ask that everyone choose a suit that suits them best.
Wen nodded his head, and the maid turned around and greeted a shop. A dozen maids came one after another, and each of them picked it up with a girl in the spacious shop.
Chanel is a lady, so Ye Tian has no choice. Therefore, the beautiful waitress Ye Tian entered the teahouse and served sweet cakes. Yuzryha Tian waited patiently.
Sitting in the teahouse, Ye Tian looked at the girls who were jumping for joy in the shop. It was a fantastic fact for them. Even if they dreamed, they might not dream about this beautiful dress.
The store has a large area, and the decoration is not only noble and elegant, but also full of feminine sentiment. The store displays magnificent clothes in various ways, not only dresses, windbreakers and purses.
But what makes Ye Tian uneasy is that the business in the store is not hot. I haven’t seen a guest since Ye Tian entered the door, so how can I earn money even the rent?
Ye Tian knows that although people are already doing these things, it is obvious that the influence is not enough. If it is not, the business will be booming, and the publicity will not follow.
Frowning tightly, Ye Tian kept thinking. I don’t know how long it was before Heidi finally came along with a maid.
Looking at Heidi’s exquisite dress, I can’t help but marvel that it is made by Chanel, which is so suitable for Heidi. It shows her graceful figure without being kitsch, that is, it reflects the feminine feeling and elegance of women.
Jiao Qiao turned a circle in front of Ye Tian. Heidi looked forward to it. How does this dress look good?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hearing Ye Tiandi praise Heidi, she laughed excitedly and jumped for joy while cherishing and stroking her dress. That’s what I wanted to say. To be honest, I’ve never seen such a beautiful lichen front dress. Compared with it, it’s simply art. It’s really perfect.
Speaking of which, Heidi turned to look at the maid around her and said, by the way, how much is this dress? Can you help me calculate it?
Smiling and nodding, Maid Judo, this dress is our limited price this month, and the price is two diamond coins. This pair of trousers is the top Shafei trousers, and the price is ten amethyst coins. This leather bag is a treasured price, and one diamond coin is on this belt.
Looking at the maids telling the price one by one, Heidi gradually opened her mouth. It was only at this time that Heidi finally became white. Although this suit really looks good, the price seems to be more exciting.
Finally, the maid finished the calculation and smiled at Heidi’s way. In all, the clothes included diamonds and 30 amethyst coins.
Stunned and stunned, Heidi, the maid, was completely stunned. It was so crazy that she had to spend more than one million silver coins from the inside out. Heidi would never dare to buy such a valuable thing, but Heidi didn’t think it was worthless. In her opinion, the dress was worth it no matter how expensive it was, but she wouldn’t allow herself to be extravagant.
What should I do if I look at the dress and then at the maid Heidi, who is bitter and unwilling to buy it but the price is too exaggerated?
Looking at Heidi’s hesitant expression, Ye Tian smiled and shook his head and said to the maid, we bought this suit, you go and get the new goods, and we will wear it directly.
Heidi was happy and worried when she heard that Ye Tian wanted to buy this suit. Although it was very expensive, it was not something she could wear.
Looking at Heidi, I opened my mouth and spoke freely. Ye Tianchong was tired of shaking his head and said, you don’t need silkworm heart for money. It’s good to want you.


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