"Efficiency is quite fast." Qin Mu Ye couldn’t help praising 1.
Qin Mu Ye naturally had to be cautious because he was involved in another huge world.
This time, the Grinch entered the colonial world of Huang Bishuo, which was not a case, but a delegation entered several colonial worlds.
Because there are so many involved that all three religions can be considered as one of them, that’s why it took so long to go through the formalities.
After all, the three religions are not as efficient as Qin Mu Ye, and there are a lot of approval processes and so on.
It’s better that the Grinch belongs to Qin Mu Ye Zhili family, so the top leaders of the three religions dare not neglect it, otherwise the efficiency will be slower.
"The second inspection is not without gains. If the inspection goes well, the follow-up can also get enough benefits from the colonial world." Qin Mu Ye also has a little vision
The main purpose is to explore another world, but the actual investigation is also true. When the time comes, factories, investments and so on can also be carried out simultaneously.
The metaphysical world can’t be defeated in a short time, but investing at this juncture and so on can make more money, which is also regarded as a preparation for the Shinto body in the colonial world in the future.
"Master Taidao came to visit," said the Gospel Genie again.
Because Qin Mu Ye has the Dojo, the Taoist master can’t just break in as before when he comes to visit, but inform him through the Dojo, but it’s not a formal visit but a private visit. The scene will certainly not be too big.
If you want his side to reply, Taidao will come, otherwise he won’t come.
Today is different from the past.
"Too the Lord came to me to do? Strange "Qin Mu Ye is also wondering in my heart. After all, at this time, the two sides don’t have much interest disputes, so it is even more strange.
There’s not much on both sides
Draw him in? That’s even more impossible. The Taoist master is not afraid of the stress from the patriarch of Kunlun and the leader of Penglai.
But it is also agreed to meet.
It was soon brought about, and about half an hour later, the Taoist Lord came to visit.
This is still reserved for Qin Mu Ye, otherwise it will arrive in one second in addition to the middle delivery according to normal conditions
"Daoyou, why did you come to my place for tea today?" Qin Mu Ye motioned the Gospel Eccentric Tea and then asked 1.
"Can some small friends notice anything?" Taidao Lord asked, sipping his tea.
"notice? No "Qin Mu Ye some doubts.
"That Taoist friend rose up because although this matter has been reviewed, it involves 37,000 Hanazono Sakura worlds and 19,000 Zhong Qian worlds. This is no small sum," Taidao said.
Qin Mu Ye white to the front foot just after the batch of feet to ask what?
This is for Qin Mu Ye, which means that we acquiesced in your big move this time, but you have to give an account if you move too much
"This matter is to examine the reading batch play is not already written? Even the plan "Qin Mu Ye immediately said.
"I know that this investment way is a friend’s business …" Taidao Lord didn’t say that finish, which means you’re a little greedy, right?
"Taoist friends’ words are biased. I spend money to invest in various forces in the world to buy all kinds of magic weapons to increase production and arrange professionals to guide and teach. I can even buy them at a high price. As a result, the profits of Taoist friends of the three religions can be far better than the previous ones, and I take 10% of the profits from investment forces. But how much?"
Qin Mu Ye immediately refuted 1.
The Taoist Lord is also silent. This plan is indeed written in this way. There is also a gambling agreement. If there is no profit in the reform according to their investment methods, it will be lost or the profit will not meet the conditions. Qin Mu Ye will pay for it according to the order
Yes, at first glance, it is very profitable and there is no risk, but in the eyes of the leaders of the three religions, you have investment, yes, but I have lost here and given you profits.
"What’s more, Taoist friends don’t know that not all worlds can enter my eyes. At the beginning, I will choose 1000 worlds to test the water. Of course, Taoist friends can say it directly if they have difficulties. Anyway, it is also a simple matter that this person has not withdrawn." Qin Mu Ye expressed his generosity.
He just doesn’t believe this. Let’s try a thousand worlds first. If we make money from water, we will continue to make no money. Then forget it.
"Taoist friends, this means is really good. Is it a means of doing business before becoming a Taoist?" Taidao Lord said with a smile
"It’s just that I can’t work on the table. It’s a white thing for me. That is, if you want to earn more, you have to be big." Qin Mu Ye should be one.
So they reached a consensus. Qin Mu Ye first investigated and reinvested to test the water. If it can be done, then the three religions will be promoted on a large scale. I don’t mind Qin Mu Ye coming in to share the benefits. After all, if Qin Mu Ye really doubled the benefits, it would be excellent for them.
Now that there is a pilot and a guarantee, the Taoist master is naturally satisfied
Qin Mu Ye, on the other hand, laughed at this, but three religions may not lose money, but Qin Mu Ye will definitely make a fortune. It’s just a relief. It’s a good thing to succeed. If he invests, he will be able to get involved in exploring another world.
Chapter 74 Darkness of the final exam
After all, this is a real investigation, not a fake investigation.
Then, naturally, it was a Shinto test.
After three months of training, Tiandao directly formed an examination room in Qin Mu Ye Dojo, and you can take the exam if you can’t leave directly.
For those who have no experience in training and want to take the exam to cultivate immortality, they can come by themselves, but these people are not assured that you will not pass anything. Is this Shinto exam really a joke?
Nothing will make the other side work because of the other side.
"Is there a good seedling in Tiandaoge?" Qin Mu Ye stopped to ask 1.
Heaven’s body is physical, so it is everywhere, but in general, heaven will not enter the saints’ Dojo, which is to give them respect
For example, Qin Mu Ye is an exception this time, because Qin Mu Ye training class is really suitable for the examination room and has also been approved by Qin Mu Ye.
Compared with the three religions, Heaven still prefers Qin Mu Ye, and his interests with Heaven are too consistent.
"How many are …" Heaven said the name of the good seedling he valued, presumably it had already been decided.
It doesn’t matter if this is true to Qin Mu Ye. Qin Mu Ye probably told the Grinch and didn’t take the Shinto exam, and Qin Mu Ye also leaked it with him afterwards, because it was true.
"It’s really these people. I actually know the scores of candidates in the three-month training. I also know a little about it. It still needs the guidance of Tiandaoge. After all, things on paper always practice on paper." Qin Mu Ye said with a look of hello.
"The sage Xuanjun is really extraordinary. I have to thank the sage Xuanjun for coming. If it weren’t for the help of the sage, I would have been in a hurry."
"Moreover, the three religions are intertwined, even if there is no Shinto exam, many moths will be drawn." Heaven is also very dissatisfied with the three religions
No matter how dissatisfied it is, it is not good to intervene in the three religious leaders. Although they plan to control the metaphysical world, they have no way to intervene in the three religious affairs. After all, the three religious leaders can compete with him and really want to fight and suffer. It must be heaven.
"It’s enough to solve the problem through the performance evaluation before Yi ‘er."
"Tiandaoge should know that this Shinto body is for the benefit of the metaphysical world, not for selecting people with both ability and political integrity. It is necessary for him to complete the performance appraisal, regardless of whether he is good or bad."
Qin Mu Ye said smilingly.
"There is some truth. Xuanjun saints help me everywhere?" Heaven is still very popular with Qin Mu Ye’s words, and finally he asked 1.
"Everything is born to support everyone."
"Master Huang Bi’s colonial world procedures have been handled, and some goblins have entered the exploration," said the Gospel Grinch.
"Master Huang Bi’s colonial world procedures have been handled, and some goblins have entered the exploration," said the Gospel Grinch.
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