No wonder those gods like to give alms to believers. No wonder those immortals like to be praised and long for great merits. There are so many mysteries in this!

No wonder those gods like to give alms to believers. No wonder those immortals like to be praised and long for great merits. There are so many mysteries in this!

"Ha ha! Yes, I am very happy! "
Su Yu ha ha a smile in a good mood.
Soon Su Yu floated from the sky and all the people worshipped and returned to the court.
On the same day, Su Yu did not break his word. He sent a letter to Amnesty Day on the spot.
Su Yu’s Amnesty is different from other countries’ Amnesty for prisoners. He is a one-year agricultural tax except seven counties, including Damo County!
Try every means to benefit the people. Where can I find such a good emperor?
It is no wonder that the popularity of the Yanhuang Empire has always been high
Unifying another reward increases the effect of weakening the two-instrument dust burst method, which not only increases nine aura swirls, but also expands the array range.
The two instruments dust array can not only protect the imperial city and the palace, but also occupy the whole underground of the imperial city and protect the whole Yanhuang Empire, including Damo County!
At this time, the two-instrument dust array can be called a national protection array!
Moreover, Su Yu specially inquired about the unified shopping mall. If the people’s heart energy is upgraded to the first two instruments, it will take at least 100 million people’s heart energy to upgrade to the level of protecting the country!
In other words, this time, the initiative to give rewards is just that this has more than 100 million people’s energy value!
However, it is a pity that Su Yu is still not perfect after the upgrade of the two-instrument dust array. At most, the top ten ancient laws are one percent powerful.
Moreover, the key is the nine aura sources of the two instruments dust array. Although the array effect becomes extremely strong, it is possible to refine the aura of the four continents and deepen the aura density and quality, but it still needs energy minerals and high-quality Warcraft crystal nuclei to guarantee it!
That is to say, without these two important strategic things, the two instruments and dust array method can play the real effect of nine aura sources; Real Su Yu can also use the people’s energy to bless the effect of the nine Reiki Source arrays, but Su Yu can’t bear it.
People’s hearts and minds have more energy, and it is sure that energy ore and crystal nucleus of Warcraft are more precious!
There is no way out. Let the imperial city masters and nirvana masters break through Su Yu’s bullet and order the scientific research institute to allocate part of the energy ore and crystal nucleus of Warcraft to the eye of the law array to open nine aura sources. Terran masters can enter the practice.
Of course, fighters can enter the practice only when they reach the peak of the enlightenment realm and the original realm and the original nirvana realm, and everyone needs to find a guard to sign a demon contract before entering.
You can’t enjoy the benefits of the empire without signing the devil’s contract!
Su Yu is very stingy. He knows that people are unpredictable. Every intelligent race is not short of traitors and traitors!
Terran fighters want to continue to be strong, they must become demon servants and be firmly controlled by Su Yu!
44 Chapter 44 Anxious Night Alliance
With the support of treasury energy ore and advanced crystal nucleus of Warcraft, nine aura sources will be opened soon.
A team of Kingsguard guards in shifts day and night, plus the defense ability of the array body, can ensure the safety of the aura sources.
Leitian, Zhao Yun, Su Long, Lu Bu, Hua Mulan and other generals took a large number of masters of the original nirvana realm and masters of the enlightenment realm to the Reiki source to practice and strive to break through the nine turns of the new nirvana realm as soon as possible.
A source of reiki is very large, which can accommodate tens of thousands of people. Nine large tinkers in the Imperial Capital can accommodate all senior fighters. The vortex of reiki cultivated like a waterfall makes the fighters’ bathing strength rise rapidly.
And his aura source can’t be touched, can it?
Simply Su Yu directly arranged the soldiers of the core corps of the Yanhuang Army, including the female soldiers, the crossbow army, the trap camp, the samurai army, the Bing Wolf Ride, the jet Ride and so on, to go to the remaining Reiki source to practice and arrange the soldiers to practice in batches.
The source of aura is suspected to be that the soldiers and senior fighters of the Yanhuang Empire have a strong gospel, which makes them practice quickly, including the strength of military soldiers.
In the following week, Su Yu, with more than 30 million points of popular energy, lit up all the core technologies of the science and technology tree in the gas age, and incidentally, lit up the core technology of the information age [computer communication], which took 20,000 points of popular energy.
Including [aviation technology and principle], [gas technology], [satellite technology], [magnetic technology] and so on, a series of scientific and technological data that are difficult to be developed in a short period of time by more important scientific research institutes were lit up by Su Yu and handed over to the scientific research institute together.
Although the scientific research institute has not yet reached that height, Su Yu has already prepared their scientific research and development routes for a long time to come.
And Su Yu also selected a part of gunpowder technology branch and some weapons, sub-weapons, nuclear bombs, bombs, hydrogen bombs and other scientific weapons technologies to light up the people’s hearts.
Su Yu, the remaining branch weapon, directly exchanged detailed data theory books with all the design drawings into the research institute.
I have made great efforts to cultivate talents in time, and now it is time to exert my strength!
These technologies always add up to Su Yu’s 30 million popular energy.
It can be said that Su Yu has been rewarded by the people’s hearts and minds, and all of them have been invested in scientific research institutes. Commander Zhuge Liang has been transported quickly.
It can be said that at present, the research institute has become the core building of the Chinese Empire. It is located next to the palace and is the place where all outstanding scholars, craftsmen and alchemists in the whole Chinese Empire are most eager to go.
Only those with knowledge are qualified to work in scientific research institutes, which is the highest honor in the minds of craftsmen and scholars in the Yellow Emperor! The craftsmen and alchemists of all the universities in the seven counties of the Chinese Empire, Jiamo County, have made great efforts to show their superior results and enter the university and then enter the scientific research institute.
The name of the craftsman god
It’s a pity that people in the scientific research institute haven’t developed a more powerful energy bomb, and the emperor promised that the name of craftsman god could be postponed all the time
It is worth noting that due to the importance of the research institute, Su Yu specially approved the investment of all energy minerals and crystal nucleus of Warcraft from the national treasury into Yanhuang Research Institute and handed over the construction and operation of the national factory to Yanhuang Research Institute.
Yanhuang research institute is now coordinating all the research and transportation of energy ore, including the sale and elimination of steam engines and energy ore obtained from production lines by Yanhuang Alliance Department, which has been handed over to the research institute.
Even those ogre coolies and coolies donated by all ethnic groups were sent to the Orc Empire to dig mines.
According to Zhuge Liang’s instructions, these hard workers can only be free if they dig a certain amount of mines! Free laborers are in high spirits and don’t supervise the workers to urge them to dig mines day and night!


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