After receiving the VR unified instructions, Du Yu suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the fat woman looked so familiar. It turned out that this time crossing the world was a famous assassin’s alliance, which claimed that the bullets would turn and the abnormal assassins gathered in a place with a shot hundreds of miles away to kill the ghost machine gunner and solve the sniper.

After receiving the VR unified instructions, Du Yu suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the fat woman looked so familiar. It turned out that this time crossing the world was a famous assassin’s alliance, which claimed that the bullets would turn and the abnormal assassins gathered in a place with a shot hundreds of miles away to kill the ghost machine gunner and solve the sniper.

Du Yu has now replaced the protagonist Wesley, which represents the Assassins’ League. The cross will find Du Yu and kill all the members of the Assassins’ League. Former Leigh Du Yu will kill the cross.
The whole story doesn’t seem to go wrong because of Du Yu’s crossing, but it’s important that Du Yu doesn’t have the so-called bloodline talent-he can’t shoot a turning bullet when he plays. If so, will Si Long kill the cross altruistically? Will it be determined that Du Yu has no profit value and then shoot Du Yu?
Moreover, Du Yu’s realistic ability to deal with ordinary people is ok, but to deal with the professional assassins of the Assassin Alliance, they must die and don’t know how to die.
"No, I have to do something, or I’ll die."
After the first strengthening, Du Yu has self-protection, but it seems that he can also deal with ordinary people. When he meets a professional assassin alliance, he has been able to resist it. In the final analysis, he still lacks strength.
When the office comes, it’s not too big. The crowd is all around the table. Fat woman Du Yu quarrels and falls in the eyes of everyone. They all look to Du Yutou for pity. Presumably, Du Yu replaces the role. Usually, she has never resisted the oppression of fat women. She has long been characterized as weak and poor by everyone.
But now it’s different that he’s Du Yu Du Yuru, who can’t resist being such a disgusting woman and affects his mood. See Du Yu slowly raise his head and stare sharply at the fat woman, who just planned to scold her and swallow her words raw.
Du Yu grabbed a piece of dark chocolate cake from the conference table and staggered through the crowd to call the greasy cream cake directly to the fat woman’s face.
"The person I hate most in my life is someone like you who is ugly but disgusting than appearance. That’s what we call ugly people."
"Oh FUCK! Du Yu, how dare you do this to me? "
The fat woman was very surprised by Du Yu’s move. She didn’t know where Du Yu, who had always been weak, had the courage to humiliate herself in front of everyone. Du Yu, what reason did he have to dare to do this? Didn’t he want the job? No! I have to fire him, kick him out of the house and give him no money.
"Du Yu, I want to fry …"
"Shut up!" Du Yu, before she finished speaking, she interrupted her like watching a poor dog and said, "I know you feel extremely inferior because you are as fat as a pig. Will we respect you if you oppress us and let us be cows and horses?"
"You …"
"No, everything you do and say makes us feel that you are a poor fat woman. I want to say a word to you and eat shit."
Du Yu dropped the last sentence and everyone admired and stared straight to the door to get familiar with the plot. Du Yu knew that he would soon be found by the Assassins’ League.
This company might as well just quit its job and plan before work, and it’s so cool to be so outspoken about being alone.
Arriving at the door, Du Yu plans to take the ladder to leave. The ladder opens and he happens to meet Wesley’s friend Barry.
This reminds Du Yu of weakness, Wesley and his girlfriend hanging out with garbage friend Barry. It seems that he just got back from Wesley’s room with his brother and girlfriend.
"Hi Du Yu, where are you going? Have you finished your birthday for the fat woman? You know, I just went to the dentist and my tooth has been hurting recently. "Barry suddenly realized that Du Yu was shocked by Du Yu’s sudden change of momentum."
"Barry, come home with me. I have something to tell you."
Du Yu doesn’t like Barry, who plays with his brother and girlfriend, but he doesn’t know where the Wesley family can let him take himself home and tidy up the dog and man for Wesley.
It is necessary to see the blood when exchanging primary fighting skills from VR system.
"ah? ! I just came from … nothing. I have to go there now. Is it urgent? Don’t work? "
Barry looked embarrassed and asked to do something wrong. He didn’t seem to dare to face Du Yu’s eyes, but he didn’t realize that Du Yu had found something. They kept secrets very well. What did the poor guy want?
"Don’t talk nonsense. Come back with me now." Du Yu didn’t want to talk nonsense. He pushed Barry into the ladder at the moment when the door closed with one hand.
All the way, Du Yu took Barry to take a taxi to Wesley’s home.
Arriving at the destination, this is a rental house near the subway. Usually, the rent here is the lowest, so it seems that Wesley is really pitiful
Since he was a child, he left his father’s cross and gave him a life as an ordinary person. Now he lives in a cheap rental house, oppressed by the boss and lost his girlfriend by his best friend. This is simply pitiful and hateful
"Hey, Du Yu, I forgot my wallet when I went out. Why don’t you pay for this car? After all, you asked me to come."
Barry’s words pulled Du Yu back from his mind. This is the so-called good friend. What a pity.
Du Yu snorted. He came from the real world and didn’t have any money to pay for the car.
Du Yu also doesn’t talk nonsense. He reached into Barry’s pocket, twisted his hand and hurt Barry’s block. He took out his wallet with his right hand and emptied it. He threw the swinging wallet to Barry and paid the remaining money of the car. Together, it was about one hundred dollars. Du Yu looked around.
"Hey, Du Yu, how can you give me my money back like this? Why do you take my money?" Barry hurried to help himself with his injured wrist and wanted Du Yu Theory.
"You’d better shut him up before I break your mouth."
Du Yu ignored Barry. According to his recollection of the plot, he remembered that Wesley’s father’s cross was hidden opposite Wesley’s rental house
Looking for sure enough, a window closed the attic and attracted Du Yu’s attention. The window of Wesley rental house is relatively far away, and 90% is the cross residence
Wesley’s father, the former top assassin of the Assassin’s League, resolutely decided to quit the Assassin’s League and assassinate all the members of the Assassin’s League when the cross discovered that Si Long’s Destiny textile machine controlled the Assassin’s League.
In this way, the assassin must not only have courage but also have sufficient strength.
"There is no cross between the main line and the branch line. It is probably a hidden branch line."
Du Yu decided to find a cross late, and it would not be difficult to complete the whole main branch line with his help.
Let’s clean up Barry and Lou’s "girlfriend" first. Let’s talk about the so-called one house without sweeping the sky. Now that Wesley has been replaced as the protagonist, help him fix his fucking life.
The fiftieth chapter property (recommended votes)
Ao Bai prefecture
For the first time, Du Yu wore a blue-black robe and jacket of the Qing Dynasty, lining Du Yu’s official faction.
"Duo Long’s adult! It’s been a while since we brought the handwritten copy. Why haven’t we copied it yet? How much money does Ao Bai have at home? "
"Du’s adult, don’t worry. Come and have a taste. I specially invite the best chef in Beijing to make Osmanthus Jelly for you."
Last night, Duo Long blocked the Ao Bai mansion with a large group of people. Until this morning, Du Yucai was invited to order the guards to start property.
Duo Long is timid, afraid of death and extremely greedy for money. He knows that there is definitely a lot of oil and water in Ao Bai’s house this time, but he is assisting Du Yulai in property acquisition.
If you want to get the maximum benefit from it, you should wait on Du Yu and Shu Shu, and fool Du Yu into the past, so you can take most of Ao Bai’s property for yourself.
Last night, he sent troops to surround Ao Bai House. Early in the morning, he invited someone to pick up Du Yu. As soon as he arrived at Ao Bai House, he arranged all kinds of food and wine to serve Du Yu and distract Du Yu.
"This Osmanthus Jelly can be!"
Du Yu took a bite with a faint osmanthus fragrance, and the entrance was delicate and soft, which was simply delicious.
"It’s good that Du’s adult likes it. Yesterday, the adult killed Ao Bai and made the villain admire Du’s adult like a raging river, like the Yellow River flooding out of control."
Duo Long kept kissing ass to paralyze Du Yu and inflate Du Yu’s vanity.
"Adult, your flattery is too unskilled."
Du Yu dialect made Duo Long suddenly speechless and didn’t know what to say.
"But I like it! Don’t stop! "


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