"Where is the money?" Su Kang reached out to Su Lan.

"Where is the money?" Su Kang reached out to Su Lan.

Su Lan scared a tingle, "Flowers … Flowers …"
Su Kang sighed and told himself not to be angry.
Su Lan grew up as a baby, and this time she is not sensible. Let’s talk about her again, and how much she can spend.
"Give me the rest"
Su Lan’s fingers clung to the pillow and dared not speak.
"Lan Lan, what do you want to buy for dad? But this is Lushi’s investment. You can’t move it. If I hadn’t stopped Sue, I would have called the police."
"… what?" Su Lan moved her lips. She just took some money and called the police.
Is it illegal for her to take her own money?
Tang Sumei sneered at Su Kang’s words. "Your eldest daughter is really nice. Why should you send Lan Lan to the police station?"
Su Kang frowned and said unhappily, "Didn’t you teach Lan Lan to do such a thing today?"
"Yeah, you blame me? You are her father, why don’t you teach her to be busy every day? When did you break the company and take care of her? " Tang Sumei gas cried
When Su Kang saw Tang Sumei crying, she panicked and took her shoulder and sat on the sofa. "I am busy with my work, so I can give you and Lan Lan a good living environment."
Tang Sumei wiped her tears and cried, "But Lan Lan just took some money to spend. Are you in such a line?"
"Can this be the same?" Su Kang is also angry.
Take your hand from Tang Sumei’s shoulder and reach out to Su Lan. "Lan Lan will give the remaining money to Dad."
"No …" Su Lan novel way
Su Kang and Tang Susu asked each other at the same time, and both looked at each other and saw disbelief in each other’s eyes.
"How do you spend it? What did you buy? " Su Kang really wants to draw Su Lan’s money. How does it cost 5 million? It’s not a small sum.
Tang Sumei also stabbed Su Lan’s arm in a hurry. "Lan Lan, what have you done?" She deliberately made trouble in front of Su Kang just now just because she didn’t want Su Lan to take out the money.
I didn’t expect her to say how to spend it when it’s finished. She hasn’t gone out these days, let alone bought anything extravagant.
Su Lan glanced at Su Kang and Tang Sumei biting their lips and said softly, "I got caught in the online stock market with my classmates …"
"What?" Su Kang gas slap to Su Lan face.
Burying his face in Su Lan’s face, he looked at Su Kang with disbelief. When did his father beat her since he was a child? Now he beats her with this five million.
Besides, she didn’t mean to.
She is not allowed to go out these days, and she is also depressed. When chatting with her classmates, she heard that she was trading stocks, and she also played with her. Who knows that she lost?
But it’s risky to stock up. Who can guarantee that you will make a steady profit?
Tang Sumei also complained at Su Lan.
These days, she has been afraid that Su Lan can’t think of almost all accompanying her.
When on earth did she stock up? She didn’t even know.
Su Kangzhen wants to slap Su Lan’s face again, but she can look at her little face and finger print and bear it after all.
Now, even if she is killed, what’s the five million won’t come back?
Su Kang held back her anger and said to Tang Sumei, "Liu Yichen sent me a check for six million when she got married with Sue."
"No" Tang Sumei looked at him warily. "You can’t take the money."
Recommend my friend Wenwen "The sick goddess warms his wife"/I love Mumu.
There are two personalities in Wennan family, one is overbearing and arrogant, the other is dull and depressed, and both of them love the same woman.
Depressed personality "I have a good medicine. Her name is Song Xiyan."
Overbearing personality "Song Xiyan is my Nanjin wife! I didn’t admit the wrong person! "
On the eve of the wedding, the property was transferred by her fiance. Song Xiyan changed from a wealthy daughter to a lonely girl overnight, earning a living by playing the piano.
Accidentally saving the injured Nanjia Sanshao didn’t expect this guy to have two personalities and call her "wife" when he woke up!
From then on, there was a strong background behind Song Xiyan, and the small tail was everywhere in black and white, not afraid to give in.
☆, 24, Sue late love accident (fine)
In the journey of fate, everyone is required to leave when they perform, and they are doomed to leave as much as they want.
Section 179
"No," Tang Sumei looked at him warily. "You can’t take the money."
"What?" Su Kang suspicious looking at Tang Sumei face changed.
Tang Sumei saw Su Kang’s face change and immediately took Su Kang’s arm in front of innocent girl’s expression. "Husband is like this. The money has made me invest now. If we take it out now, we will lose money and earn a small hundred thousand by yesterday."
"What investment do you make?" Su Kang suspected that he had never heard her say anything about investment before. Why did he suddenly think of investing?
Tang Sumei licked her lips and said, "It’s just that it’s popular to manage money now. I put the money in, and the income is not bad. Didn’t you say that this pb project with Lushi would also need an investment office, so I took the money to manage money and thought I could earn some money?"
Su Kang nodded and patted her hand and said, "That’s good!"
Su Lan nestled in the corner of the sofa, hugging the pillow in her arms, and her face was pale.
She is now regretful. She has nothing to do with her classmates. What kind of stocks did she speculate on? Five million lost it.
I just heard from my father that Sue has to call the police in the evening.
The thought of seeing the prison scene in sight made her shudder
She’s not going to a place like that


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