Said the GongSunQi a picked up from Li Lili Mara and Kimimaro distance to run outside those little shrimp have long been caught off guard by Kimimaro, just there is a gap GongSunQi while they are attracted by Kimimaro and masked men fighting with Li Lu to drill into the gap.

Said the GongSunQi a picked up from Li Lili Mara and Kimimaro distance to run outside those little shrimp have long been caught off guard by Kimimaro, just there is a gap GongSunQi while they are attracted by Kimimaro and masked men fighting with Li Lu to drill into the gap.

Cold sea of clouds also followed by holding Chu Di sheng’s hand and escaping from the encirclement with GongSunQi.
As soon as they fled behind them, there was a sound
"Dance early fern dance! !”
In a moment, bone spurs emerged from the ground, regardless of the enemy. When I saw people, I just pierced those shrimps that would not escape. They all became sacrifices and were pierced by bone spurs. Even the masked man appeared many traces of being stabbed by bone spurs.
Kimimaro also received an order from Gongsunqi to give up the pursuit of the masked man and immediately followed him. If Gongsunqi hadn’t killed any masked man, if he had released Kimimaro so that they could run away, there would be no need to continue fighting, or it would be important to recall Kimimaro to run away.
A piece of early fern dance stands in their way, so I don’t know if Kimimaro is still there, and no one dares to test it. Can’t you see that the masked men are all injured?
There is no bleeding and sparks in the wound of the masked man, which is like a mechanical short circuit. This shows that the masked man has also been modified.
The mask man’s face is gloomy. He received an order to shoot them, but now it’s good that he didn’t kill them. Instead, he broke his arm and was pierced by Kimimaro’s early fern dance. If it weren’t for the mechanical body, he wouldn’t feel pain. It is estimated that the mask man’s face would be wonderful.
"You report this to me." The masked man decided to enter the early fern dance to find out. If he is going to kill people who know the blood peach forest, he must never let the blood peach forest be exposed.
After GongSunQi and Shadow Sable meet, they have five-star animals around them. GongSunQi’s heart is safe. There are two bodyguards around him, Shadow Sable and Kimimaro. Can’t there be Shukaku? If it weren’t for absolute strength, they nest GongSunQi can definitely leave.
Chapter 192 Deep into the den
"It’s settled here."
Running out of Taoling Mountain, they are safe.
There is no pot in the cold sea of clouds. "Then we have to leave. We have to go back quickly."
It’s just escaped from the danger and hasn’t come yet. Thank you. Is it appropriate for you to leave here
Gong Sunqi doesn’t know what the meaning of "cold sea of clouds" is. At least thank you. Let’s say it. He saved their lives twice. Don’t even say thank you?
"GongSunQi you go home with us" Li Lu said.
Gong Sunqi shook his head. "No, I don’t like being bound. I have things to do. I will come to you in less than a month."
"Okay, I’ll wait for you in a month," Li Lu said.
They don’t have that kind of where will you go is very dull, and they can detect the waves from their expressions. Even Li Lu is very dull and doesn’t give up too much.
"One month, I want this month to be an eleenary." Sun Qiqi vowed that "only then can I go to Li Lu to protect myself."
"I’m about to break through to the ninth order now, just a little bit."
Shukaku threw cold water on it and said, "Then how are you going to go from rank 9 to rank E this month? You should know that rank E is equivalent to forbearance. Once you become forbearance, you have to take the forbearance exam. But how do you take the forbearance exam now?"
When it comes to forbearance test, Gong Sunqi has a headache. The forbearance test needs 30,000 points. That’s 30,000 points. Now Gong Sunqi doesn’t have 30,000 points. "It seems that this month is going crazy."
Gong Sunqi found a safe place and entered the front of the column. "It’s really troublesome to pick them up one by one."
Gong Sunqi first looked at the column face, first looked at what conditions those people needed, and then took one from them, so as to leave the system.
"It seems that I have to go to Taoling Mountain."
Nai sighed that he understood that this system will change according to the place where people live, just like a positioning system, which can locate the place where Gongsun Qi lives, and then arrange and deal with it in combination with some surrounding conditions to form a new re-release.
Gongsunqi is now around Taoling Mountain, so it becomes the surrounding area.
When I came to the periphery of Los Angeles Village, Gong Sunqi went in to test and make sure that those mysterious people had left, and then I walked into Los Angeles Village.
Gong Sunqi frowned. "It’s strange that they retreated so quickly. How did they disappear as soon as they left?"
Going forward in the village of gongsunqiluo mountain village made gongsunqi feel more and more strange. "It’s strange that no one has disappeared. What happened?"
After sneaking into a place to live, I didn’t see anyone. I searched inside and out, but I didn’t find anyone. This was the only way to solve the problem and give the message to the body.
Gong Sunqi separated another member and went into another room to search, but still no figure was found. If one or two people might be an exception, they said that they visited relatives and friends and went to this Luoshan village, and more than a dozen people did not find a figure after searching for five or six times.
"Was it taken away by the mysterious organization?"
The more GongSunQi thinks about it, the more likely it is that the mysterious organization doesn’t catch GongSunQi, so they will just grab some people and go back to act as them, and then throw them into the blood peach forest, and it won’t matter to them.
Even if a small mountain village is missing in this remote mountain village, if you want to find it, you must start with it. After all, the mountain village is sparsely populated, the location is remote, and the communication is not good. In the end, there will definitely be cases of missing people.
"No, they must be rescued. They are implicated by us. I can’t just sit back and watch." After some thinking, Sun Qi decided to set out to save people now. "They must not have gone far. If they go now, they will come."
A rugged mountain road, Gong Sunqi finally saw the mysterious man’s tail. "I must find a way to do it. There must be many powerful people besides the masked man. If the trade rushes out, it will definitely die."
"The boss said yes. If you want to take those villagers away, you will definitely appear again."
Sound from GongSunQi later GongSunQi andao is not good, he doesn’t need to turn around and know that there are many people behind him, at least there are individuals.
Everyone in this person has E-level ability. Gong Sunqi looked at his feet with a cold face. Er-ha didn’t need Gong Sunqi to order Er-ha to be able to do what Gong Sunqi wanted to do first.
Erha belongs to five-star animals. There is no doubt about their strength, but they can get it easily, but it is completely ruined by Erha’s appearance
Bodies should fall down. They didn’t even call for help. They didn’t know how to die. They felt a stabbing pain in their necks and then they didn’t know anything when their eyes turned black.
Looking at the rings in their hands, Gong Sunqi took them away unceremoniously. Now it is a poor man’s period. No matter what he wants to receive and can exchange money, Gong Sunqi will take them away unceremoniously.
"It is said that it is true that the fastest way to get money is to send money to the dead."
Take away the last ring. Gong Sunqi got up and said to a place, "Come out. How long do you want to hide?"
This sounds like talking to the air, but it’s not just that Shukaku told GongSunQi Erha that there are three horrors besides themselves.
Three horrors even think that Erha is a horror. That must be terrible, which makes GongSunQi unconsciously nervous.
"I didn’t expect to find me again."
A man in a black robe with a painted mask came out. His painted mask is a peach blossom. If you carefully identify it, you will find that it is a blood peach blossom.
Gong Sunqi glanced at him and stood on tiptoe to look behind him and said faintly, "Besides calling the other two out, by the way, do you want to wait for a sneak attack?"
"I didn’t expect you to be able to feel us even if you were weak, which made us very interested. How should we consider joining our organization?"
The other two men also came out, and their three masks were different from those of the men who were confronted by the former Gongsun Qi.
End of chapter ““““ w w w ““““““““` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` `
Chapter 193 Awakening must be assisted?
Each of the three men is stronger than the masked man and stronger than a little bit.
Good GongSunQi here there are three people, to be exact, two people and one beast GongSunQi think he didn’t take Kimimaro back is a wise choice.
Kimimaro and Erha each left one person to be dealt with by Gong Sunqi. This is just because of the disadvantage. If it weren’t for Shukaku Sha Gongsunqi, I don’t know how many times I would die.
"Water-dodging dragon-playing"


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