But now Lin feels that she doesn’t need troops.
Micro-mechanical body is not a tough thing, mainly wrapped in micro-mechanical dream energy … Fear Sea Now Lin is not quite sure what the sea of fear is.
Just like dream food, an ancient dream creature, has never been to the sea of fear. As far as Lin knows, the sea of fear seems to pose a great threat to other dream creatures.
Moreover, it leads the collapse connecting the world to the bus body of other stars, thus causing a large-scale collapse, which obviously has a lot to do with the sea of fear
Or the collapse is not guided by it, but on the whole, it still wants to do something about it.
But a dream creature, the little nuclear guardian, can clear the sea of fear. The little nuclear guardian and the sea of fear have many characteristics in common, for example, it can have a great influence on the’ spirit’ of creatures.
However, the main reason why small nuclear protectors cause biological madness is that they … Personality Lin thinks that if a certain creature … can satisfy small nuclear protectors, it will not be tortured by small nuclear protectors continuously.
But we don’t know what the satisfaction standard of small nuclear protectors is. Whether they can protect things or not, they will always have a lot of opinions on it
The sea of fear seems to feel great fear at the touch of it, which is more dangerous than the small nuclear protector
Small nuclear protectors usually don’t immediately decide whether the other person can protect or not when they treat creatures. They usually judge according to the other person’s behavior.
Of course … almost all creatures will make them feel that they can’t protect each other, but when they are afraid of the sea, they will instantly recognize that they can’t protect them, as if they were born enemies.
The latest research on small nuclear protector weapon is to deal with the sea of fear.
If it is confirmed that the sea of fear is a destructive …’ creature’, it should be stopped.
However, the nature of the sea of fear has not yet been fully confirmed, mainly because it destroyed the host colony of floating islands, and it may also try to collapse and kill many star buses
Recently, Lin is planning to transport the weapons of small nuclear protectors here. Lin and the imam have made some more powerful weapons … If these small nuclear protectors have the same effect in dealing with the fear sea in micro-machinery … then these weapons can clear the whole fear sea of micro-machinery.
I wonder how the micromechanics will react after clearing the sea of fear, or will they be crazy by the small nuclear protector?
And just as Lin was about to deliver the weapon, a … creature suddenly joined Lin.
That’s the mayor
It is also constantly building a large number of troops to prepare for micro-machinery. It has now completely commanded all species in the whole city and changed their living habits.
Generally speaking, every resident base in this city has been transformed into a soldier role by it.
The mayor’s way to deal with micromechanics is very simple, that is, he decided to make all kinds of weapons bombard the location of micromechanics.
But the mayor also did something special.
Now Lin’s fluffy ball is in the mayor’s office. It looks very excited and says to the fluffy ball, "You won’t think about what they want to do, but now I know what they want to do so that I … we can stop them from planning completely!" "
The mayor became more and more excited when he said it. "They want to do something special, which is why they brought so many lower species here!"
Lin has told the mayor about some recent events, so she has learned something, so she has been trying to figure out what the micro-machine is going to do.
Lynn thinks it is possible for the mayor to know what the micromachine does, because it has the energy of the sea of fear in its mind, and it has some connection with the sea of fear.
But it’s not directly related to the sea of fear. Lin thinks so, but if there is …
That doesn’t matter.
"They have been pursuing that kind of thing!" The mayor said, "They want to guide the collapse to this position!"
Lynn asked questioningly, "How do you know?"
"That’s because I’ve been trying to feel," the mayor said. "Recently, I have to … think hard and I can feel some of their thoughts. They have such a purpose."
"You mean you can feel their thoughts?" Lin asked questioningly, "What was that like?"
"What’s what …" The mayor said, "Just think about it."
It seems that we should go into the dream in the mayor’s head and see what might happen.
"You told me that they wanted to lead that … collapse to destroy some … creatures, right?" The mayor said, "But in fact, their purpose is not to destroy those creatures. No, it seems to be an end, but a … subtitle. The main purpose is to lead the collapse here."
"I don’t know how they do it. They always have such a purpose. Soon they will act. At that time, they will call all … I rule these lower species and involve all species in the collapse," said the mayor. "This seems to be the reason why they have been bringing all kinds of species here."
"Why should they be involved in the collapse?" Lynn asked, "Do you know the reason?"
"They seem to want to make something," the mayor said. "They don’t want those species to reach a certain position. I don’t know this very well, but if I continue to’ perceive’, I should be able to know more about what they want to do!"
As he spoke, the mayor walked to the center of the room, and then there was a three-dimensional image. "There are also some broken information recorded here. You can have a look."
"Do you know the exact time?" Lin asked, "That’s when they caused the collapse."
"I don’t know about this either, but it’s … recently," said the mayor, "so we must act quickly! Since it thinks so, I won’t let the troops get close to it. We will attack it from a long distance. "
"Then we’ll … as if you said before that you had prepared any special weapons?" The mayor suddenly asked, "What are weapons like? Is it very effective? "
"It should be very effective," Lin said. "In that case, you should continue to perceive them."
Lin Rongqiu left this place after talking with the mayor.
"Of course, but we also have to discuss a … war plan."
Then Lynn discussed the plan of World War I with the mayor, but after a while, it was over. Actually, there was no special plan

Lin has completely transformed this rock block and filled it with troops. Lin wanted these troops to get close to those micro-machines.

Lin has completely transformed this rock block and filled it with troops. Lin wanted these troops to get close to those micro-machines.
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上海,这座繁华的国际大都市,在夜幕低垂时,街头巷尾的夜市犹如一颗颗璀璨的明珠,散发着诱人的光芒。在这里,你可以尽情探秘上海的夜市文化,品尝到地道的美食,感受这座城市的独特魅力。 夜市是上海不可或缺的一部分,它们承载着这座城市的历史与文化,是上海人民生活中不可或缺的一部分。走进夜市,你仿佛穿越回了那个充满市井气息的年代,叫卖声、油炸声、欢笑声交织在一起,构成了一幅生动的市井画卷。 首先,不得不提的是豫园老街。这里不仅是传统上海文化的代表,更是美食的天堂。在这里,你可以品尝到正宗的小笼包、生煎包、蟹黄汤包等上海特色小吃。其中,生煎包以其酥脆的外皮和鲜美的汤汁,让人回味无穷。 南翔古镇也是夜市爱好者不可错过的地方。这里的小龙虾、本帮菜等美食,让人大饱口福。在夜市中,你可以一边品尝美食,一边欣赏古镇的夜景,感受历史的厚重。 八佰伴购物广场是年轻人们社交聚会的好去处。这里不仅有各种国际品牌、酒吧、咖啡馆,还有丰富的夜市美食。烤串、烤海鲜、烤苕皮、烤猪蹄、无骨凤爪、冰糖葫芦、毛鸡蛋、葱包大肠、臭豆腐、锅包肉、车轮饼、煎饼果子、衢州鸭头、瘦肉丸等,应有尽有。 佘山月湖丝绸市场则是一个结合了人文、美食、文化、艺术的综合市场。这里的美食几乎覆盖了南方城市所有的特色美食,让人流连忘返。 当然,上海的夜市美食远不止这些。在泗泾夜市,你可以品尝到来自全国各地的美食,如新疆特色羊肉串、老潼关肉夹馍、东北韭菜盒子、河南月亮馍、广西酸嘢等。而韩国街的首尔夜市,则让你仿佛置身于韩国,品尝到地道的韩式美食。 此外,周浦夜市、上海大学夜市、彭浦幸福夜市等,都是夜市爱好者的打卡地。在这些夜市中,你可以品尝到各种特色小吃,如麻辣小海鲜、衢州鸭头、爆浆鸡蛋仔、东南亚烧排骨、老成都串串香、老挝冰咖啡等。 在夜市中,美食只是其中一部分。这里的摊位、商贩、游客,共同构成了上海夜市的独特氛围。在这里,你可以感受到上海人民的热情与友好,体验到这座城市的活力与魅力。 总之,上海的夜市是美食与文化的盛宴。在这里,你可以品尝到地道的上海小吃,感受这座城市的独特魅力。不妨在夜晚时分,漫步在上海的街头巷尾,探寻那些隐藏在夜市中的美食宝藏,让味蕾与心灵共同畅享这场风味盛宴。