Yun Bo couldn’t help but spit out, "You shouldn’t be in the navy, let alone a special warfare player. I think you should simply apply to transfer the army to be an artillery!"
Fang Xiaoqiang was called a grievance. "Captain, I can’t help it. I can’t stop it if I don’t give me a sniper gun!"
Yunbo doesn’t believe this set of anger. "Just two loves!"
As soon as Fang Xiaoqiang heard this tone, he knew that it would definitely be impossible. "Two ammunition can’t be without me!"
"Fart!" Yun Bo jumped in the bridge again. "There are no more than two bases!"
Fang Xiao strong don’t quit this time "I the captain you don’t give the gun even then zha a grenade also don’t give me? Do you want me to fight bayonets with worms? "
Yun Bo didn’t get angry again this time. He thought calmly and said, "I’ll send someone to give you some support for the four cardinal numbers!"
When Fang Xiaoqiang sees it, he will accept "okay, then come to four bases first!"
At the end of the call, Yun Bo felt that he had given too much when listening to Fang Xiaoqiang’s tone, but he couldn’t go back on his word when he had said it.
His horse ordered the ammunition depot to send grenades and arranged the support problem.
A group of standby sailors were ordered to act immediately. They loaded the deep bomb launcher to transport ammunition and moved the car quickly to the through deck elevator.
The Yuzhou elevator is far more than the two corners on the port side, and there are many elevators, such as the ammunition depot, which can transport ammunition directly to the deck
Immediately after the train deck, it flew at a normal speed to the port side more than ten meters away from the edge, and came to a sudden stop, almost throwing the car launcher out.
After the motor train stopped, the sailors quickly unfolded the launcher and stuffed a deep bomb into the gun bore. Two wires were connected to the gun bore, and the deep-water bomb slammed out.
This kind of projectile depth bomb launcher is, after all, an oversized mortar, but it launches a special depth bomb.
The goal of this east-west war is that the torpedo house is not large in size and weight, which is very suitable for DIY modification
The deep bomb drew a high arc and fell into the sea more than 20 meters away. As soon as the deep bomb entered the sea, it immediately exploded and stirred up a high water column
The explosion stirred up the tide and beat the battleship violently, and the giant shrimps were layered like stacked arhats.
Deep-water charges are no joke, and the Yuzhou is also a monk. If the deep bomb falls too close, it may not have damaged the hull first.
The depth of the impact is very particular about killing the giant shrimp and not blowing up the Yuzhou.
Yuzhou was originally equipped with deep-charge launchers, but those launchers were not in a good position, but it was impossible to launch near the battleship, so that the purpose of killing giant shrimps could not be achieved.
It’s not close at all. Anyway, both sides have been hit by alien submarines, and it’s nothing to get a few deep bombs. It’s the most important thing to clean up the giant shrimp.
That’s what the soldiers think, so they don’t pay much attention to the placement. Deep bombs are thrown out one by one and fall as far as more than 40 meters away. Nearly 10 meters of giant shrimps that used to cling to the ship’s side were stunned by the loud noise and high pressure in the water, and the pressure on the hangar was reduced by 90%. After a while, the giant shrimps that entered the hangar were won in the first round of confrontation between the Qing side and the garrison, and came to an end.
Xiao-qiang fang concerned to breathe a sigh of relief involuntarily dark call had a narrow squeak.
There is not much danger of confrontation in the hangar, and there is no real danger of giant shrimp. The real danger comes from the oil leakage on the starboard side!
The reality is always more coincidental than the story. When the Yuzhou sank, it happened that the fuel leaked from the positive current on the port side was directly washed away by the seawater instead of attached to the hull.
It is for this reason that the giant shrimp that attacked the hangar from the port side did not have a drop of fuel. If it was on the starboard side, the giant shrimp hangar covered with oil might have been a sea of fire.
However, the situation of the Yuzhou was not so safe. The bomb not only exploded the giant shrimp, but also caused the undercurrent. It was also analyzed from the damaged part and entered the ship. The watertight door broke down and the sea water poured into the ship and flooded the waterline. I don’t know how many people would have to be sacrificed if everything hadn’t been evacuated before.
Some giant shrimps also entered the ship with the current. These giant shrimps haven’t recovered yet. They were all washed away by the water. Most giant shrimps successfully entered the ship, but some watertight doors were blocked by giant shrimps.
Fortunately, the bulkhead of Yuzhou watertight compartment is still strong and has withstood the severe test. Otherwise, the forecabin and the aftercabin will be finished with the inlet ammunition depot and the engine room, and Yuzhou will no longer insist on directly bombing the ship.
And all this happened in the middle of a one-man warship. No one knows what happened here.
Soon after, the giant shrimp gradually recovered. Although the middle section of Yuzhou was broken, the giant shrimp still groped in the dark.
At the same time, unwilling to fail, aliens launched a second attack.
The main force of this round of attack is still the giant shrimp, but some worms have been found in the giant shrimp on the deck.
Before the soldiers reported the situation to the bridge, an alien submarine suddenly emerged from the water on the left side of the Yuzhou, and immediately hit a group of servants and soldiers who lined up like machine guns to fly high and immediately shot at the flight deck of the Yuzhou.
Mercerization is like a series of thunder sweeping to the deep bomb launcher. Watch out for the sailors’ blood. All the marines sacrificed their blood and soaked the deck.
The transmitter has also been continuously mercerized and chopped, which can no longer make
The Yuzhou was not a vegetarian either. As soon as the servant soldiers flew in the corner of the deck, 12 anti-aircraft guns found the target, and then they started ten barrels on their own, turning wildly at a speed of 10,000 rounds per second, dumping shells at the servant soldiers.
Countless shells are like a pouring rain and a red-hot whip. The soldier’s body is violently cracked, the servant’s shell is broken, the servant’s liver and gallbladder are broken, and the servant’s bones are broken.
Generally speaking, no soldier can escape from the violent bullets and rain if he is stared at by the close-range artillery.
However, although the servants were annihilated by the near anti-aircraft guns, the deck personnel and deep bombs were also destroyed by mercerization, and the deep bombs were lost to deter the giant shrimp from flooding into the hangar again.
The military has been suffering from insufficient firepower phobia for decades, and Fang Xiaoqiang has not been cured until today. This situation is definitely a late stage.
The military has been suffering from insufficient firepower phobia for decades, and Fang Xiaoqiang has not been cured until today. This situation is definitely a late stage.
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