"Ann? Master "I laughed." You are a meter tall and I am only a meter tall. You call me a master, so you are not a master? " "Liu Ge joking.

"Ann? Master "I laughed." You are a meter tall and I am only a meter tall. You call me a master, so you are not a master? " "Liu Ge joking.

Just talking, suddenly a man came in outside. "Miss’m called to see you.
Wang Sang Yu said hello and went out to answer the phone. I had a good chat with this second-generation elder brother of Gao Fushuai, Wang Xi. It’s really a little short encounter.
It is a happy talk that Wang Sang Yu came in. "Smelly little boy, you stay here and have a rest. Grandpa Luo will take a few days to get rid of your evil department. Liu Ge and I are going out to do something. Although these words are decent, I always feel that something is wrong and seems to be hiding something.
Wang Xi naturally feels that everything is a little worse at the beginning of a serious illness. He didn’t think much about it. He smiled. "Elder sister, I can talk to Liu Ge very much. Do you go out to handle affairs or take me to deal with Qiong Qi when it’s done?"
"Know that Wang Sang Yu gave him a smile." You still have a rest. I’ll go with you Liu Ge.
We went out and walked directly to the outside. She said in a low voice, "Brother Liu got a bad news. Some bodies have been found in the Kaibabu Plateau in northwest Arizona, which seems to be your national security department 7."
"eh? Us? " This sentence made me jump and gave a long hiss!
I was going to meet Wang Sang Yu and asked her to look for us through Wang Jiawang. I didn’t expect to touch Wang Xizhong in a coma when I came, so I woke him up and got the news.
"I’m going to see it," I said to her. "Thank you for telling me the news. Since your brother has woken up, I have nothing much to do here, so I’ll go first.
"You go? Where to go? " She seemed to have a lot of supercilious eyes when she saw me this time and gave me a supercilious look. "Can you find the way to Arizona? Where can I find the body? " This series of questions seems to have been calculated in my heart, and I am too choked to answer a word.
See me beaten she is proud of "do you have a car? Do you know how to drive an American car? Do you know how to buy things? You … ""Okay, I’ll beg for mercy. "I know I’m wrong-please take me to Miss Sang Yu.
This is simply calculated. I can’t do it without asking her for help, but it’s really a problem. I’m not familiar with everything in America. It’s almost the same if no one leads the way.
When she saw that I was pretending to look for mercy, she set up a frame. "You asked me to take you there? But I’m very busy recently. I’m afraid I don’t have time. Miss Wang, you are too boring. I just helped you, so you shirked it.
"So what if I shirk it?" She crossed her hands and played with sex. "Don’t be angry that you bit me?" This is the big lady’s temper. I have nothing to say!
Forget it, this can be soft!
"Ok, I’m wrong. I’m all smiles." Miss Big, do me a favor. Well, you can treat me as one.
At this time, the door has been pushed open and a Hummer car has stopped at the door. "Look at what you said. I will accompany you to a good time." Her face showed a smirk. "But you have to listen to my arrangement all the way.
Even my luggage has already been put in the back seat of the car. Hey, that’s ready!
Section 59 The Grand Canyon
Salt Lake City can reach Arizona directly along Highway 15. It’s not far away, but it’s not near. My plane has slept for so many hours, but Sang Yu, the king, is a little tired. After driving for more than two hours, the sky gradually turned white, so she took out a map and told me to change to a meeting.
I was really blinded. I had the right driver’s seat. Who knew this Hummer was actually left!
Wang Sang Yu is very proud. She told me that although there are both driver’s seats in the United States, the cars made in the United States are all on the left-hey, you said that this Hummer is not made in the United States!
The road we plan is to follow Highway 15 all the way to Las Vegas, Boulder City, Jin Man and flug Stafford, from where the bodies can be found.
If I were driving, Wang Sang Yu couldn’t sleep for a while, so we found some gossip and she told me about the situation she received yesterday.
Now Qiong Qi has lost its trace. The Royal Family Department gathered in new york. The US Intelligence Agency is a black dress organization, which gathered well-known practitioners and sects, hunters, psychics and other departments to prevent Qiong Qi from smashing and sucking souls one by one.
To say that our new arrivals from the National Security Bureau have arrived at the Khaybabu Plateau, it is estimated that they are organizing the handover with the left-behind jǐng in black-I don’t need to find a place anyway. If there is something unusual, I believe that two teams sent by běi will not look out!
This distance is about 500 kilometers, which is still easy to walk, but after all, it’s not that China Road is unfamiliar and I don’t know the street sign. It took me a long time to get to St. George’s, and I didn’t know the street sign at that time. I can wake Miss Wang up and see what to do later.
"What do you say?" Wang Sang Yu got up and changed to the driver’s seat. "Didn’t you arrive at the mountain overnight to see those bodies?" "Life is life and death, that is, death. Whether we go or not, everything is doomed." I have made up my mind. "When the time comes, if we want to find the right position, I naturally have a way to find out why.
"For me, I forgot that you are a yin-yang eye." Miss Da accelerated the speed. "But why don’t you want to meet your colleagues sent by běi? It’s good to communicate.
"Forget it, I didn’t come to Chengdu to arrange this time." I reached for the backpack in the back seat. "If I really act in unison with them, I can’t let go of my hands and feet to give full play to my ability.
"What are you going to do?"
I thought for a while and looked at the map. "We’ll find a place to rest nearby at noon, and wait until midnight before we go to the mountain-it’s estimated that they’ll almost be gone by then, right?"
Wang Sang Yu took a glance at the map while driving. "Since you talk like this, we will live in Tusayan. There are more than a dozen hotels there, and it’s more than ten minutes’ drive from the south gate of the Grand Canyon. It’s quite convenient for her to say that she is happy." So she decided to live there.
Although this Wang Sang Yu is beautiful, she usually has a good family style, but she acts and speaks with a man’s mind straightforward and heroic. Speaking of this, she directly touched out her mobile phone and began to make a reservation.
These things can be handled by her. If you ask me to do it, I can really learn from the saying "Iwillbk has bought a house" in Xingye’s domestic seven.
There are many hotels in Tusayan town. The Grand Hotel we booked is close to the right side of Highway 64 in the north of town. There is also this secluded and comfortable place. There is nothing to say that it is really different from hotels in China. It is not luxury or luxury, but a feeling very close to people.
When the innkeeper took us through the lobby, I looked at the European-style coffee shops, restaurants and salons. It was a bit dizzying. "Hmm, what is this place?"
At the end of the hall, there is a door that is magnificent and colorful. There are many people in it, and there are jingles from time to time accompanied by laughter and cheers.
"This is the casino." Wang Sang Yu Xi Xi smiled. "If you like, let’s take a look at it later. I was just talking when I was playing. Suddenly I felt a look like a needle!


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